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Cbp officer salary Form: What You Should Know

CBP Officer Compensation Trends (2) The federal government is still a strong employer of domestic workers, particularly for the lower and middle class. Since 2014, CBP has been hiring for non-manual positions, primarily in security and management positions. “The numbers show that the economy is not strong enough, specifically for women. A lot of these positions don't require college degrees and have been very attractive to women, who make up a significant portion of the workforce.” — Lisa, Chief Human Resources Officer, U.S. Customs and Border Protection There are many roles where women are often more valued and/or paid less than men, and this could be contributing to a growing gender pay gap. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, (DHS) pays about 84 cents for every dollar its counterpart, the U.S. Army pays for the same job. In the U.S. Navy, female sailors earn 26.59 per hour while their counterparts earn 34.33 per hour. Women working in the federal government have historically made up the majority of civil service employees — about 47 percent of federal workers are female, according to government data. “I think they're going to come from all the other agencies and agencies that hire officers to fill open jobs. They're also going to come from the private sector.” — Lisa, Chief Human Resources Officer, U.S. Customs and Border Protection “To recruit a female officer, or even start a career, requires a long series of recruiting processes and one-on-one interviews, not to mention a lot of outreach and networking. The majority of women who have been through the formal recruitment process go back and say, 'I'm not going to apply again,'” Lisa told me. “The average women will ask for six months, and when you get those women back the most common thing you find out is that the reason they didn't take the offer is that there wasn't anything specific they were looking for.” — From “Is Diversity In U.S. Customs and Border Protection More Of A Challenge Than Diversity In Academia?”, March 2017, by Dr. Derrick Hamilton from George Mason University The Border Patrol employs just over 50,000 border agents under its purview.

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