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Otay mesa commercial border crossing Form: What You Should Know

CITIZEN-TRANSPORT OFFICER β€” Otay Mesa, California β€” 2459 β€” Customs & Border Protection Feb 5, 2025 β€” CHP figures show a rising number of truck crossings at Otay Mesa β€” 1,062,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. Otay Mesa Land Port of Entry β€” Class A Otay Mesa GSA The Otay Mesa GSA has a fleet of nearly 1,500 buses. With a fleet of over 1,000 trailers capable of transporting between 200,000 and 300,000 passengers inΒ  Cargo, Cargo, or cargo container, it's also home to the largest railroad freight facility in the country. The Otay Mesa LPO has beenΒ  β€” San Diego, California β€” 1549 β€” Customs & Border Protection. Mar 1, 2025 β€” CBP figures show an up swinging number of truck crossings at Otay Mesa β€” 952,766 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. Otay Mesa Land Port of Entry β€” Class A Otay Mesa GSA The Otay Mesa GSA has the largest fleet of aircraft in the state of California. With Airline Transport Pilots (ATP) fleet totaling nearly 3,600 aircraft, the Otay Mesa LPO is alsoΒ  β€” San Diego, California β€” 1549 β€” Customs & Border Protection Feb 5, 2025 β€” CBP figures show rising numbers of truck crossings at Otay Mesa β€” 1,054,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. Otay Mesa Land Port of Entryβ€” Class A Okay Vista Land Port of Entry β€” Okay Vista, California β€” 2459 β€” Customs & Border Protection Sept 18, 2025 β€” CBP figures show an increasing number of truck crossings at Okay Vista β€” 1,038,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. OCT International Airport is the busiest commercial airport in the state of California. The Airport is equipped with two runways and an approach runway of 3,750 feet.

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Otay mesa commercial border crossing

Instructions and Help about Otay mesa commercial border crossing

This town is the Oscar Copwatch. This is the other border. Die, it's a smaller border. This is the Mexican side over here, crossover that's the US. Music looks like the lines not that big. It's usually way over there. I'm just gonna go along the border right here, out of traffic, at least two hours or so. Hey buddy, can I step right here? Mask, infect step right here, mags. I don't want to step right here and then get thrown down. They said I could step right here, so you know, as long as I guess I don't go over that way. Morning see it's not as many lanes as in San Ysidro, so I can see it gets up to 13 lanes. This is normal traffic over here, you gotta have ready lanes century in order to cross over here. Like I said earlier, it's a smaller border. I don't know if that's why the migrants didn't come over this way, but you know, it's got barbed wire over here, barbed wire up on top over there too. This is the end guys, I'm sure everybody already knows. This wasn't here before, you know, the migrants, the caravans started to come over. They got two lanes closed, 13 and 12, but this is it guys, it's a smaller border, a lot of traffic, and everybody on this side over here is coming in from the US, coming into Tijuana. I know the other guys got a canine, I'm working the dogs on the clock. I'd like to see if we get something on this video, hopefully get a car loaded with drugs. Thank you sir, see if we can get lucky and I get the dog that sniffed something following the guy who's got the dog. He's...