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Tijuana border crossing time Form: What You Should Know

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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Tijuana border crossing time

Instructions and Help about Tijuana border crossing time

Okay, everybody, thank you for clicking, hopefully, on the old video to see the new video. This is updated as of May 5th, 2018. Getting to the ready lane at the Tijuana border, there are a couple of new things I wanted to show you. But let's just get started. What you're gonna do is open up your Maps app, wherever you are, and start by typing in San Ysidro, close to the border area. Let's just pull in right here, and I'm going to show you something really quick that I showed in the other video, which is the actual border crossing itself. So basically, what we've got here is the sentry lanes over here, and the ready lanes are these four lanes right here that feed in from the right a little bit. And these lanes over here are where you're inevitably going to get dumped, no matter what roads you take. And they seem to always end up here. The wait can be one to three to four hours, depending on the traffic for the day. The longest I've ever seen for me personally at the ready lane is about 45 minutes, and those are on the worst days. On a typical day, you're not gonna be there for longer than 20-25 minutes. And on a good day, it can be as short as five minutes, just pull right in here. So let me show you what you're gonna do, and it's interesting because I know this works on an iPhone in Mexico. I don't know if it works on other phones. But you're gonna basically open up even if you don't have a Mexico plan, you're gonna open up your Maps on your iPhone. You're gonna turn on cellular data, cellular roaming, everything you would never do, just...